I mean do some of you people actually think about your logic? Just because the bible says you should not divorce you think this woman should stay married to a cheater? How can divorce always be bad? My mother in law was married to a drug addict and also to a man who physically beat her. Should she have stayed married? This is the problem I have with the logic of you people. You will follow your book no matter what, or you will judge someone who does not follow it no matter how illogical it would be to do so. And if any of you hypocrites actually read the book you live your life by you would have come across Matthew 5;32, and 19;9.
Take a moment to actually be logical about what you are advocating and thing about walking in this womans shoes. And please actually read your bible since you all want to throw it in her face. According to it she has every right to divorce him.
For those of you who find reading and researching too hard take a look at this.
"But I tell you that anyone who divorces his wife, except for marital unfaithfulness, causes her to become an adulteress, and anyone who marries the divorced woman commits adultery."