Lets not got lost in translation. 
God thanks and God bless for Roger, like all of us, he is a believer and is saved and made righteous through his faith too. He deserves our love and compassion just as much as anyone else, in arrogance or doubt, as Christ like Christians.
There are some scriptures in the bible that can have a different meaning for a lot of people but at the end of the day it is God that has the last say.
Everyone is on a different walk with God. And in life there are many mysteries to us which we are not 100% privy to but we believe that He will make it all known to us one day, even as we are known now.
So until we get there, we should always strive to put God first in all things and even though we may disagree we must learn to sometimes agree to disagree, leave it with God and trust in Him and move on.
Lord I pray, please reveal to us the truth and real meaning of your word. Make it known to us that we may learn to live right and perfect lives pleasing in your eyes and free from living incorrectly in case of incorrect beliefs or interpretations. Please reveal to Roger the beauty and simplicity of speaking in tongues in your name, out of our love for you. But only if it be your will our Father.
Can I get an amen!?
God thanks and God bless for Roger, like all of us, he is a believer and is saved and made righteous through his faith too. He deserves our love and compassion just as much as anyone else, in arrogance or doubt, as Christ like Christians.
There are some scriptures in the bible that can have a different meaning for a lot of people but at the end of the day it is God that has the last say.
Everyone is on a different walk with God. And in life there are many mysteries to us which we are not 100% privy to but we believe that He will make it all known to us one day, even as we are known now.
So until we get there, we should always strive to put God first in all things and even though we may disagree we must learn to sometimes agree to disagree, leave it with God and trust in Him and move on.
Lord I pray, please reveal to us the truth and real meaning of your word. Make it known to us that we may learn to live right and perfect lives pleasing in your eyes and free from living incorrectly in case of incorrect beliefs or interpretations. Please reveal to Roger the beauty and simplicity of speaking in tongues in your name, out of our love for you. But only if it be your will our Father.
Can I get an amen!?
Hi Rudimental
I certianly agree with you in principal...however...
There are some scriptures in the bible that can have a different meaning for a lot of people but at the end of the day it is God that has the last say.
Frankly, I have thought about these things regarding being filled with the Holy Spirit and what that entails, for years because I grew up in a church where it was hardly touched upon and yet quite a few in the congregation still did receive the gift of speaking in tongues....myself being one.
I have to say at this point that I am now wondering about those who refuse even the possibility and heartily deny, mock and abrogate speaking in tongues. This opposition does not come from God and the Holy Spirit is the ONE who empowers us from within.
To deny this, is to be in opposition to the very Spirit of God Himself.
What is the end of such teaching and thinking?
I am not accusing anyone of anything, but the vitriol that is often released against speaking in tongues has me wondering why people can get so angry
I believe it is because the devil despises this gift, knows how it operates and he knows the battle is a spiritual one.
I fear the west has really lost the battle in many cases and I offer for evidence the powerless, empty shells of churches and the 'believers' who occupy the cold seats on a Sunday morning and find an hour's service too long.