Marc, I can easily show biblical support for "my position" ... My position is that it is o.k. to discipline a child with a spanking at times ... That is supported here ...
Proverbs 13:24 [SUP]24[/SUP]Whoever spares the rod hates their children, but the one who loves their children is careful to discipline them.
However, no verse in the Bible supports the "stripping of a child naked" and embarrassing them as a form of punishment, which is your position ... Clearly there IS support for my position, while there is NO support for your position ... As I stated earlier, even more troubling is that you believe your twisted philosophy "should be" practiced by "all" Christian parents ... I realize your 78 years old and old school ... I also am old school about many things ... But I must see undeniable proof in the Bible for those old school positions ... In this case, your position is not supported anywhere within the Bible at all ... That is why it is extremely arrogant to suggest that "all Christians" should have the same philosophy as yourself ... You cannot even provide any evidence that "one" Christian parent should have the same philosophy as yourself ...
Proverbs 13:24 [SUP]24[/SUP]Whoever spares the rod hates their children, but the one who loves their children is careful to discipline them.
However, no verse in the Bible supports the "stripping of a child naked" and embarrassing them as a form of punishment, which is your position ... Clearly there IS support for my position, while there is NO support for your position ... As I stated earlier, even more troubling is that you believe your twisted philosophy "should be" practiced by "all" Christian parents ... I realize your 78 years old and old school ... I also am old school about many things ... But I must see undeniable proof in the Bible for those old school positions ... In this case, your position is not supported anywhere within the Bible at all ... That is why it is extremely arrogant to suggest that "all Christians" should have the same philosophy as yourself ... You cannot even provide any evidence that "one" Christian parent should have the same philosophy as yourself ...
I would like to ask this: It seems that all discipline of children in the Bible is in Proverbs. Proverbs is suggestion/advice, not command/law. Therefore, we can use the "rod" (makes me sick) or we can use other means, such as time outs, withdrawal of privileges, and primarily REASONING and explaining to children WHY. It seems to me that spankings (unless you only hit one time and not that hard .. which means it wont work anyway), dont work as you have to repeat them over and over and over again. I have seen people spank/hit their children into their teens. If those spankings get out of hand they become beatings and then you have an adult who might very well become a violent person.