The Bible says a rod for the fool's back,which is a person that will not give heed to what you say no matter how much you tell them to stop it.They refuse to listen so the only way you can correct them is with physical punishment,which God said the child will not die,and you will drive hell far from them.
I do not believe we should snatch our children up over every thing they do wrong and physically punish them.As the same with Israel,God did not correct them with allowing trouble to come upon them from their enemies over one day of rebelling by way of false gods,but He let it go on for a certain amount of time sending prophets to tell them to turn back to the LORD,and if they did not then He would punish them.
If we tell the child over and over and they refuse to listen then if a person wants,physical punishment would be in order.
A rod for the fool's back,not a rod for the back of one that has been caught one time and a talking can be laid down first to try to correct them,which in other words warnings like God does before He allows the physical punishment.
I do not believe we should snatch our children up over every thing they do wrong and physically punish them.As the same with Israel,God did not correct them with allowing trouble to come upon them from their enemies over one day of rebelling by way of false gods,but He let it go on for a certain amount of time sending prophets to tell them to turn back to the LORD,and if they did not then He would punish them.
If we tell the child over and over and they refuse to listen then if a person wants,physical punishment would be in order.
A rod for the fool's back,not a rod for the back of one that has been caught one time and a talking can be laid down first to try to correct them,which in other words warnings like God does before He allows the physical punishment.