Thanks for your responses and yes I will hang around 
He goes to church, helps in church. They are aware he is an alcoholic and support him. Yes he married me and then went back to England, I remain here as I have a now 17 year old daughter I have been raising. He has never saved the money to be able to immigrate here which would cost about 7/10 thousand NZ dollars. He has tried rehab, AA, detox and still drinks every night, not heavily during the week. But heavily in the weekends. I do not know why his church does not confront him with it, they have a compassionate approach to him.
Blah, it all comes down to should I be with an alcoholic who swears he has not cheated ever on me because of his christian morals.
He goes to church, helps in church. They are aware he is an alcoholic and support him. Yes he married me and then went back to England, I remain here as I have a now 17 year old daughter I have been raising. He has never saved the money to be able to immigrate here which would cost about 7/10 thousand NZ dollars. He has tried rehab, AA, detox and still drinks every night, not heavily during the week. But heavily in the weekends. I do not know why his church does not confront him with it, they have a compassionate approach to him.
Blah, it all comes down to should I be with an alcoholic who swears he has not cheated ever on me because of his christian morals.
Whatever advice we give will hurt you. We only know what you are telling us.Only you know if this man really loves you. My thought is if he really loved you he'd find a way to be with you. I dated a guy like that.He took a job on the other side of the country. I would call and text and email,little response. A family member,who's very direct, told me " he doesnt love you" and it hurt and made me mad. He said "if he loved you he'd find a way to be with you" I made excuses but it made me think.Well I found out he was LIVING with another woman out there!!" We had only been dating! His brother told me,the guy never had enough guts to break up with me after a year of dating. He was a drinker too.
On the other hand,the guy I married,and we met online,lived over an hour away from me.He drove every weekend to come stay at my parents house to see me. Rain or snow he'd be there. He waited several years before I was ready to say yes to marriage. And he put up with a lot from my family who tried every way they could to get rid of him. So I think you need to be honest with yourself,and I think you're getting there. Does this man care enough about you that he wouldnt cheat,in your heart you know the real answer no matter what he tells you. How can you go to counseling if you dont live in the same area? Talk is cheap,anyone can say I love you.Actions are the proof. That should help you with your decision. I hope things become clear and your life starts changing for the better soon.