This question literally makes no sense.
If I were arguing about why it's bad to rape people would you ask me "Do you know this firsthand based on your own experience as a rapist?" ?
Because that's what you just did.
Lol first of all, I love how you mentioned the last 2 legitimate wars we fought....over half a century try and prove your point. Please, explain to me how any of the Middle Eastern wars between the war in Afghanistan and the war in Syria have been for American liberty. Explain to me how killing members of ISIS (a group that really has yet to do more damage to America than a high school mass shooter) on the other side of planet is preserving our rights to freely speak or carry arms.
I'll save you the time, there is no correlation between freedom and killing people on the other side of the planet. In fact, we are STILL losing our rights to free speech and bear arms, so either U.S. soldiers aren't killing enough people to preserve our rights or that's not really how it works.
How isn't that? How in the world would you justify us sticking our noses in the Middle East? Why haven't we done anything for Darfur?
I do love the classic "If you don't like your playground bully then go to another playground"
No. First of all, governments don't have a right to exist, let alone exert authority over others. There's a difference between loving the land you live on, and loving your baby-killing government. Yet another lie that "patriots" tell you.
How about if you don't like living peacefully among the Native Americans, you move back to Europe?
Quote "
Lol first of all, I love how you mentioned the last 2 legitimate wars we fought....over half a century ago..."
Did we...did we just agree on something? Oh no I think hell actually did just freeze over!
Quote "
Please, explain to me how any of the Middle Eastern wars between the war in Afghanistan and the war in Syria have been for American liberty."
I really think that Bush thought nation building would work. I think he actually thought if we showed them democracy they would learn to live in peace and leave their neighbors alone. Every leader has tried something in the middle east,tried to form some sort of peace. You and I both know whats going on in the ME. Nothing will be solved there until the anti-christ takes over and gives false peace,then total destruction. The best we can do is try to keep them from genocide like the head case in Syria is doing. Everyone wanted to leave Hitler to himself and it took Churchill to raise the alarm.
Quote "
Explain to me how killing members of ISIS (a group that really has yet to do more damage to America than a high school mass shooter) on the other side of planet is preserving our rights to freely speak or carry arms."
ISIS like Hitlers Nazis are on the move.Once they have a caliphate we will see how much damage they will do to the world.They aren't stopping,they want to turn the world on its head.The San Bernadino couple were linked back to ISIS.Irregardless of that they are beheading Christians, raping woman and children and sawing children in half,just a few of the horror stories.Morally its is the US,the superpower,that needs to lead the way and stop these maniacs. They are committing genocide. And dont tell me its not happening,they said the same of the Jews and millions of them were murdered before the US woke up to the truth.
Quote "
we are STILL losing our rights to free speech and bear arms"
We're not losing our right to free speech and bearing arms,we are giving it up!! We are electing liberal loons that are soft core dictators into office that want to ban guns and free speech. And they are telling our young people in college that being PC should be more protected than free speech. We blame it on the college but who raised these kids!!?? How come they don't understand freedom of the press and free speech?! Who didn't teach them that people died to give them that right!? Who didn't teach them that the country was founded on the right to bear arms? Its not the schools job,though it ought to be taught,its the parents job! Im Canadian and I know these things.
Yesterday,several high schools were shut down in Nova Scotia,my cousin called me in a panic,she knew a kid that was in one of the schools.I'm from NS and they have very strict gun laws. Why were the schools on lock down? Give you one guess. Weapons,they found a bag of weapons in the woods nearby. How are teenagers getting guns in a gun free country? But liberal loons will tell you a ban on guns will work.No,people have fought and died for our rights its just some of us are too stupid to protect those rights. We'd rather be PC than offend anyone. We'd rather give up our freedoms than label anyone. Nothing is being taken from us,we're surrendering without a shot fired.