School teachers have been notorious for being unskilled in the classroom...
everything from failing their own tests to setting up caste systems and animosity towards other students for no ryme or reason other than the side of the classroom they sat on.
Then there's a minimum of at least 5% of the current teachers who are pedophiles.
Then there's the few good teachers who are left unsupported by administration when dealing with unruly students who disrupt class. These students are poorly parented at home (abuse, neglect, and etc) and cause chaos in school.
Then on top of this....classes are now taught to the ability of the lowest performing child. Not the middle and let grades be what may...but the lowest performing so everyone gets a passing grade.
And now there is also no such thing as "the short bus" special needs children are mixed in with regular children. So all students are taught at a special needs level. The exceptional students are mixed in as well. But often those kids (the ones capable of graduating HS at 9 years old) just GED out and get warehousing until emotionally mature enough for college. They used to get special classes to help them with their advanced cognitive skills and understand
everything from failing their own tests to setting up caste systems and animosity towards other students for no ryme or reason other than the side of the classroom they sat on.
Then there's a minimum of at least 5% of the current teachers who are pedophiles.
Then there's the few good teachers who are left unsupported by administration when dealing with unruly students who disrupt class. These students are poorly parented at home (abuse, neglect, and etc) and cause chaos in school.
Then on top of this....classes are now taught to the ability of the lowest performing child. Not the middle and let grades be what may...but the lowest performing so everyone gets a passing grade.
And now there is also no such thing as "the short bus" special needs children are mixed in with regular children. So all students are taught at a special needs level. The exceptional students are mixed in as well. But often those kids (the ones capable of graduating HS at 9 years old) just GED out and get warehousing until emotionally mature enough for college. They used to get special classes to help them with their advanced cognitive skills and understand
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