Am I the only one worrying that the Doctor is getting...dark?
I mean, he just let Filch die! Didn't even really try to save him, which is not his typical M.O.
(Filch, btw---what a great name for that character!)
And then in "Mercy" (also a great name for that town, with its lovely marshall), he pretty much threw Kahler-Jex to the Gunslinger! I can remember when the doctor would have laughed at the other alien doctor's comparison of the two of them, not flown into a rage.
And then the Doctor drew a gun!
Whaddaya think...the master?
Ugh this is my least favorite thing...the doctor is not a nice as people think. Remember in last seaons episode Demons Run? He blew up that entire enemy Cyber Fleet. He trapped the Family of Blood to a fate worse than death. Filch had it coming the Doctor just repaid him what he earned for ejecting the Solarions. Kahler-Jax was bad too. Also I'm pretty sure we aren't getting the whole story. Amy and Rory are already gone. The episodes are happening 'out of order' Amy and Rory got taken by the Angels(this is im assuming what episode 5 is) and these past few episodes has been the doctor going back in time to remember them. Also why he is so angry
-I mean there have been flickering lights in all three episodes so far, which is a known sign of angels.
-The way he blew up in Mercy about how he was finally going to start protecting the victims
-In Asylum of the Daleks he told amy he would be with her till he died and she said or vice versa and he gave her the strangest look.
So far the only people he has killed or maimed where those who clearly deserved it: whether they be Dalek, Filch, or Jex. Yes its a darker side of the doctor, but it was a side that was always there. A side he kept hidden with rules he imposed. After all ''Good men don't need rules. Today is not the day to find out why I have so many.'' That day is here.