Hi, I am looking for some advice. Me and my husband have two toddlers together and we both agree that bringing them up Christian is the right decision as I have been saved in 2013. They are baptized and I read them a Bible story every night before prayers, my three year old can say the Lords prayer by herself. We also take them to church.
However I am facing the "tantrum" stage with them and I'm feeling very stressed about how to get them disciplined properly. They refuse to listen to me and my husband, scream and get really angry. I admit I have shouted and my husband has got frustrated too which isn't how we wanted to bring our daughter's up.
We are hoping to send them to a private school for Christians next year.
I pray for help on disciplining them and to ask forgivenesd when I get frustrated. I just need advice on how to raise them in the right way and to show them that there is other ways to vent frustration than screaming and having full blown tantrums.
Thank you and God bless you
Here is a Fact, kids will do whatever they think they can get away with. If they throw a tantrum How do you respond. If they continue to throw tantrums then something you are doing is what they want. For example if you give them a lot of attention when they throw a tantrum, they will throw more tantrums to get that attention.
Kids are going to throw tantrums. How you respond to those tantrums will either increase them or decrease them.
Here is my suggestion. If for example you give your kids a snack every day. When they throw a tantrum, in a calm voice say if you do not stop throwing a tantrum you get no snack tonight. If they do not stop, then for Heavens sake, DON"T give them a snack. If you do, you have taught them that you are a liar, and that they will still get their snack even if they continue to throw a tantrum. Hopefully they will soon learn every time they throw a tantrum, then don't get a snack. Some will learn this slower or faster than others. Having several kids is a plus, because when the others get a snack and they don't, this is very beneficial too. The others did not throw a tantrum. Be prepared for them to throw a tantrum then also. But do not cancel their snack for the following day, if you continue to do that, they would soon realize they are never going to get a snack anyways and throw more tantrums. The next day if they throw a tantrum, tell them if they continue they will not get their snack later. Soon they will learn, if they want their snack they will stop throwing a tantrum.