Okay but God also says that if you both agree on the divorce and you can't make your marriage work then he's okay with that too I wouldn't be throwing divorce papers at my husband if he would have never beat me and I know God sure is not okay with that either so I don't know how many people will get mad at this verse or what I have to say but it is my opinion that's why I posted it I was in a marriage for three yea I I went back to him try to make it work but when you're being every single day then why stay in that marriage try being beaten for everything a little and little mistakes that you make each and every day I know God does not want his child beaten by man that supposedly loves them or a woman I was married to my ex-husband for 3 years before I left because he beat me everyday now I am with somebody else who treats me with respect and is teaching me about the B and and about God and about his word so all y'all can think I'm doing adultery or whatever it is but I don't care this is my opinion if you don't like it oh well
Hello mzjulia,
I'll offer a few general comments before I respond to your statements:
- walls of text are difficult to read and will turn away many potential responders;
- run-on sentences are difficult to read;
- try using sentences and paragraphs to make your message more clear.
With regard to your message, God is certainly not okay with two people simply agreeing to divorce; there isn't a single place in the Bible where that is "okay". You won't get any support on that note, or on any attempt to make the Bible say something that it simply doesn't. Your last sentence suggests that you really don't care what anyone else things, so I would wonder why you asked. Perhaps your conscience is telling you something that you don't want to hear.
With regard to abuse, that is a good reason to leave and file for legal separation. One of the biggest problems with easy divorce laws is that there is little reason to try to fix things. Separation, which seems to be much more common in Canada, is a great time to seek the Lord without the daily barrage of unpleasant words and feelings, or in your case, actions.
Spousal abuse is criminal in most states, as far as I know. Keep records, police statements, medical reports. Press charges on any (expletive deleted) who physically abuses you or your children. Get yourself and your children to safety as soon as possible.
Unfortunately, you can be fairly confident that without the intervention of the Holy Spirit in his life, your husband won't change. Abusers usually get worse over time.
While I'm not going to the wall on this, I have a strong feeling that Malachi 2:16 is about spousal abuse; that God hates it as much as he hates divorce.