My sister is 30. Her name is Brandy. She used to be a believer. She was even a moderator of a very famous Christian website. Now I find out all of the sudden that she doesn't believe God exists and she falls for the "humans came from monkeys" and "the amoeba just appeared out of nowhere, exploded, and formed the world" mess. And that's what it is. Mess. She is also in support of removing "In God we trust" out of everything. We talked about all that last year. The way she puts it, "If someone is going to teach my children about one religion, they have to teach about every other religion out there as well. I don't want my kids brainwashed."
She has a precious two-year old daughter and in less than two weeks will have a newborn son. Her hubby of 12 years doesn't want anything to do with church, but confusingly, Brandy is willing to go to services when I visit.
So I see a conflict coming. Her children are likely to not hear much about Jesus. Any of you experienced such conflict with family? How do I handle this gracefully?