But what if there is fear of rejection involved and its all just a feeling but u know u will never find a girl like her. And the fact thats she is muslim makes it even harder to process. And* also... I know theres a lot of problems... and also we have fights sometimes, I get hurt easily or get jealous easily and she doesnt care at all. Its like I dont want her to know im forcing, but I want her to know christ but she is muslim, so its really hard to like swallow. And* I have my major exam in like 3 weeks
Hi IssacLovesGod,
I understand what you're saying. Having a crush is quite an experience. You wanna tell her how you feel, but at the same time, you're afraid she won't feel the same...its difficult, isn't it? And its more difficult when you have a crush on your friend.
But here's the thing: You know God doesn't want you to be romantic with a non-Christian. As good as she may seem to you, her core values are greatly different from yours.
I've had my share of crushes on non-Christians in the past. But I knew it was wrong to hold on to them. And I managed to let go of them. And now I'm blessed with a sweet godly Christian girlfriend. Back then I didn't know when God would bring her to me, but I said no to others in faith, and now I see how God has blessed me with her.
Which means, if you do the right thing, if you follow God in this and not pursue your friend (or any other future non-Christian girl), then one day you will receive your reward from God. And then you'll look back to now and you'll be glad you took a step of faith.
Another thing is, you've got a major exam coming up in 3 weeks. And you don't wanna risk messing it up, right? Being a student is your commitment right now, and just as we are called to be faithful workers in our jobs, you are called to be a faithful student at this stage in your life. So direct your focus on preparing for your exam.
Here's what you can do: Pray to God, pour out your feelings about your friend to Him, then acknowledge His disapproval in this matter, and submit to His will. After you've made this decision to submit to His will in this matter, you will feel relieved. Because indicision about such things keeps the heart restless.
So give this a shot. Consider the wise warnings and advice of the fellow Christians you've read here in this thread, and know that your love for God will (and must) be greater than this crush. Keep your eyes on God and wait on Him. And years from now when you're married to a godly Christian girl, you'll be glad you didn't go after any other.
Submit your feelings to God, focus on your studies, and do well in your exam!