Hi everyone,
I am at a loss because my brother is a homosexual and it is causing me to loose sleep at night. I don't know what to do. I am saved and I'm so lucky to have found the lord but my brother is not. He does not see what he is doing as sin and it's tearing my family apart. I want to be a good sister to him, but i don't want to associate with him if he does not see what he is doing a a sin. I am sick about this. I don't know what a good Christian would do. Any help would be appreciated from one Christian to another.
God BLESS!!!!!!!
I am at a loss because my brother is a homosexual and it is causing me to loose sleep at night. I don't know what to do. I am saved and I'm so lucky to have found the lord but my brother is not. He does not see what he is doing as sin and it's tearing my family apart. I want to be a good sister to him, but i don't want to associate with him if he does not see what he is doing a a sin. I am sick about this. I don't know what a good Christian would do. Any help would be appreciated from one Christian to another.
God BLESS!!!!!!!
He did that for your brother. But you think you should disown your brother. I'm seeing a distinct difference in approach between your attitude and Christs attitude towards sinners.
Imagine if Christ treated you how you are thinking of your brother. Imagine if Christ viewed you as you view your brother. Not worth caring about because you are so focused on his actions you care nothing for the person or his heart.
Personally i find your attitude rather distasteful. I am not at all a supporter of homosexuality, but to treat him like some kind of vile leper who doesn't deserve love and respect speaks poorly of your wisdom and character.
If you treated everyone like that guess how many people would be in your life? None. Because EVERYONE sins. You included. If you think yourself somehow better because you are more aware of your sin, you have it backwards.
When a person does wrong, and doesn't know they are doing wrong, are they really doing bad? That's what the unsaved are.
But as Christians we KNOW right from wrong and we still do wrong. How much worse is a person that knows right and wrong and does wrong anyways, than a person who doesn't recognize they are wrong?
Truth is your sinful attitude towards him make your no better than he is.