I don't actually have a child, but my niece was living with me for a period of some months in which I kind of had to be a surrogate mother. She was 5 at the time, and waking up early in the morning for school was a horrible ordeal every morning. My mother suggested a trick that she used on me and my siblings when we were younger.
She would make a list of every thing that we needed to get done before leaving the house in the morning (make bed, get dressed, brush teeth, etc.) and have 7 empty boxes next to each task. Whenever a task was completed we got to put a sticker next to it. At the end of the week when we collected all the stickers we got to choose a prize from a box my mom had of fun toys and such. For my niece instead of a prize box we had a cute mailbox with letters inside. On each letter was a fun activity that I knew she would love doing (extra Super Mario, build own ice cream Sunday, baking, stay up late on Friday, etc). After a few days we didn't even have to tell her what to do in the mornings. She would do her morning chores (as we called them) and come collect stickers from me after each one.
Try getting her as involved in the process as possible to let her feel she has some voice (8 is the age of exerting independence). Let her pick out the stickers to use and maybe some of the items of activities that go into the box so she knows what she is trying to earn. Positive reinforcement tends to have longer lasting effects than negative ones.