Always seek God first. Pray and ask him to speak to you and to give you undeniable signs. God hates divorce. Also, when the Bible was translated, they changed some of the words. In Matthew 5:32, it says you can get a divorce if your spouse has committed adultery. The Greek word here is porneia, which means fornicate. When Joseph found out Mary was pregnant he said he would divorce her quietly, because back then a promise to marry, was as serious as being married. If a woman was found to not be a Virgin, then the man could take her back to her fathers house and divorce her. That’s why after having sex on there wedding night, her father would take the sheets, the blood on them would prove she was a Virgin. If a man claimed she wasn’t a Virgin and the father could prove that she was, the man would never be allowed to divorce her. Remember, satan came to kill, steal and destroy. Destroying families is his top priority. Our number one weapon against him is prayer. #2 is being obedient to God and his word. Friends, family and even people on here can guide you down the wrong path. Most of the time Gods way will be hard and painful. As a true Christian, that means following and trusting all of God’s word, not just picking and choosing what we want to follow and believe. Jesus said to pray for our enemies, and that’s what it will feel like your husband is. Pray for him day and night even when you don’t feel like it. Remember, you are not fighting against flesh and blood. Don’t hate your husband, hate the sin.
“Gently instruct those who oppose the truth. Perhaps God will change those people’s hearts, and they will learn the truth. Then they will come to their senses and escape from the devil’s trap. For they have been held captive by him to do whatever he wants.”
**2 Timothy *2:25-26 *NLT
Stay in the word.
May God bless you and your marriage.