Brother GoodbyeSin, your concerns are real. It's a spiritual attack. The devil does not want you to have peace and the dark forces at work in this world are an onslaught against the people of GOD.
Here's the good news!! \
/ THE BATTLE IS ALREADY WON!! There is now a rest for the people of GOD! When JESUS died on the Cross, THAT is the time you were given the gift of forgiveness for everything you did or will do in this world that is against the LORD. So you are worried for nothing.
Stay up all night dwelling on it, OCD all day with bar codes or any other thing and it won't change a thing. YOUR SINS ARE FORGIVEN & COVERED BY JESUS' BLOOD.
So shall you continue to live recklessly and not care how you dishonor GOD? No... your own heart is already condemning you and here you are posting about it because you have no peace. That's your flesh trying to war with the spirit. The HOLY SPIRIT is right now conforming you to the image of JESUS CHRIST. GOD wants you to REST and cast ALL your cares on Him. You can either rest in the work of JESUS CHRIST and trust HIM to finish the work HE started in you... or you can doubt and live in fear and try to obey every little law to attempt to measure up to GOD's perfection, which is impossible.
Praise the LORD, brother! HE IS FAITHFUL! Thank the LORD GOD for HIS faithful love for you, for providing a way of escape from every temptation, for making us strong IN HIM through our weakness. For setting us free from the chains that threaten to keep us in bondage. Glory to GOD MOST HIGH!
Here's the good news!! \
Stay up all night dwelling on it, OCD all day with bar codes or any other thing and it won't change a thing. YOUR SINS ARE FORGIVEN & COVERED BY JESUS' BLOOD.
So shall you continue to live recklessly and not care how you dishonor GOD? No... your own heart is already condemning you and here you are posting about it because you have no peace. That's your flesh trying to war with the spirit. The HOLY SPIRIT is right now conforming you to the image of JESUS CHRIST. GOD wants you to REST and cast ALL your cares on Him. You can either rest in the work of JESUS CHRIST and trust HIM to finish the work HE started in you... or you can doubt and live in fear and try to obey every little law to attempt to measure up to GOD's perfection, which is impossible.
Praise the LORD, brother! HE IS FAITHFUL! Thank the LORD GOD for HIS faithful love for you, for providing a way of escape from every temptation, for making us strong IN HIM through our weakness. For setting us free from the chains that threaten to keep us in bondage. Glory to GOD MOST HIGH!
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