Hello dear. I see the benefit from what you have been going through almost immediately.
This is a very valuable lesson for you, and you should view it from the viewpoint that God sees it.
First off I want to thank you for your bravery in once again opening up, and further along go on with a little laugh, for what kind of advice do you think some of those people in this group would have given to Abraham and Sarah, when the Lord told
what was going to happen?
I do not in any way mean to insult you, but encourage you, for what is truth here?
You are saying that your time to conceive is soon running out. This is not true. Keep renewing your mind!

From a worldly mindset, yes, - but not in a life with the God of "impossible".
All things are possible for God, and He always has thoughts and a way of hope.
So set your hope and heart on the truth, and learn to discern and rely on the voice of love, life, and light.
God is truly good - faith is Light (whom God is) and the hope of the good things that has not happened, to happen.
Fear is the opposite, and fear is darkness. God has no part in fear.
How old was Sarah when she conceived, and how did she react when the Lord told her that she would give birth to a son?
What do you think those people you encountered in this situation would have said, if Sarah was in this group at around 90 years old, telling them that the Lord himself told her she would conceive? Would they acknowledge the hand of God in her life, or give ungodly advice?
What you have witnessed is carnal advice, Emilie, where they exlude the Creator, that for those whom believe -
reveals HIS glory for all that believe.
Jesus saith unto her, Said I not unto thee, that, if thou wouldest believe, thou shouldest see the glory of God? (John 11:40)
I myself have witnessed many miracles from the Lord. Never make doctrine either, of a temporary season - or let anyone influence you with unbelief because of something they have not seen themselves. Do always encourage people to faith and hope in God.
Always look to what the Word of God says.
He is the God that has the chance to do more than you can even think or imagine, so you must reject what you have heard,
when it exludes the hand of God.
Antidepressants is not needed in the presence and love of God - the reason you may be feeling weary in a season will also
be turned for your benefit, and the Lord Himself wants you to draw nigh unto him and spend time with Him in the quiet space and under the shadow of His wings, where you learn that he is your best friend - the one with the word of truth that stands for eternity, that all will answer to - protecting you from every evil tongue that comes against you.
You can trust God with your entire heart, and it truly is meant to be safe opening up to the true children of God.
They will guard your heart, and seek your wellbeing. We as children of the Lord, are in truth real brothers and sisters.
You are meant to be comfortable in speaking your heart amongst brothers and sisters, and the Lord himself will never reject
you when you speak truth from the heart with Him. He wants that deep intimate connection with you, and he wants His children to have that same deep intimate connection with eachother.
The advice you were given was not spiritual advice from the Lord. This kind of advice was carnal, and darkness - advice that speaks away from the truth and possibility of the hand of God to move, - where they keep you doubting, and points you to a place where you stop hoping in the One that can do anything.
What would God say to you - and what would a believer that truly knows the Lord say?
He has spoken, and He disagrees with the people that was meant to represent Him in this group.
A believer that has the Spirit of God within, and knows God will say: Whatsoever you ask you shall receive. Trust Him.
(John 14:13) (John 15:7)
So you should not be a respector of persons, - this is a learning process! - and not look to the outward appearance,
but from this experience bring with you the very valuable learning, the benefit for good, from this encounter -
From now you will learn and be able to discern if a tree is good or bad. You know what to look out for!
From now you will learn and be able to look no longer to the outward appearance and stature of man,
but try to discern and look to the heart as the Lord does.
From now you will be able to discern if this is truth or not - if they speak against God that can do, and is still doing all!
There are wolves, Emilie.
The wolf will first gain your trust, so that your heart is wide open and very receiving -
for this is the place that Satan tries to do the most damage and is effective in hurting you.
So bring your wounds to the Lord after what you have encountered, and let Him guard you and help you.
Visit those places in your heart together with Him, and let His light shine on it.
Do not become bitter. Do not become resentful - but guard yourself against things that tries to tear you down, and warn them about the fact that behaviour like this is not acceptable, - because they are not doing you good and building you up, as we are meant to do, and their advice is not Godly, - but leaves the One that can do all, out. If they do not listen to you, you can take it to the elders - but if they still do not listen, you can treat them as you would unbelievers, still and always in love - but not open up to them as if they are believers - representing the Lord.
We are always meant to move in love, and build eachother up, to faith and trust in the GOD that speaks truth. What will heaven be like? And what is life like now, when we have the Kingdom of God within us, as believers? Life is something completely different with God. So you will learn and keep renewing your mind, being able to discern good from evil and light from darkness.
From my viewpoint, after what I know about the Lord, and experiences I have had myself, you have gone through much that
can be a great benefit for you, for in many instances you would not be able to clearly see and know what to be aware of,
before you have experienced it, and from this scenario you will in the future be able to discern what you are to be aware of!
I want to adress one last thing;
"My experience with this group of female mentors has not been even remotely uplifting or encouraging. I have other friends outside the group who are also quite spiritual, and they have been cheering me on, telling me that nothing is impossible with God, etc. I was holding onto that little scrap of hope, but now after having talked with these mentors at the church, I feel absolutely wretched and hopeless. I am torn because I felt that perhaps the Lord was leading me to this group, but it has caused me more pain than good, and I don't want to go back. Should I follow the advice of the one lady and just accept things for what they are? I am not ready to give up, yet I feel that, coming from the mouth of a spiritual leader, maybe I should listen?
This has caused me such anxiety that I have felt physically sick. Any advice or insight y'all have is truly appreciated. Thank you!"
These people say they belong to God - but their fruits are bad.
You come to a place where you believe it is safe to be, and they gain your trust.
Your heart is wide open, and it always meant to be safe in the fellowship with true brothers and sister, they will guard you.
You know that it is safe to be with the Lord, and in the fellowship with your true brothers and sisters - but some are wolves in
sheeps clothing. You look to the outward appearance, and respect the person because of status, "spiritual leader" - you have
ONE that is your spiritual leader - your head, this is the
Lord himself!
You must always remember this, 1 John 2:27. Paul and Barnabas, what did they say!?
They told us even to reject angels, if they preached another gospel! Do not look to the outward appearance.
Our Lord is no respector of persons. You overlook the words spoken from their hearts, that reveals either light or darkness -
and look to the outward apperance. Not in vain, Emilie - there is a benefit here, and I am sure you will learn to see it.
So do not be grieved at the Lord, and do not lose hope in Him - he is very careful in upbringing you when you are a child of His.
Bring your hurts to Him, and replace them with the truth and Light that He speaks. Reject bad fruits, and bad advice.
Do not keep them in your heart. Do not take with you anything that is darkness.
Warm regards.