I live on my own with 2 children from previous relationships before I was saved. I am engaged to someone else now but he is not saved and not sure if he will as him mom is saved but not his dad.. Should I marry this person? I'm wrecking my brain about it..
i find it strange that you are asking if you should marry this person but you have already indicated you are engaged to him. Did you not then tell him "Yes". Scriptures teach let your Yes be Yes and your no be no.
I've been praying asking for guidance so maybe that's why I'm on here today writing this.
You are asking for guidance because satan has creeped into your head causing these doubts. Doubts and Confusion are not of God. You told him Yes, so keep your word, that is the Godly thing to do. Now if he is going to ask you to marry him, or you are thinking about marry him, then i might have gave you another advise, such as what fellowship hath light with darkness? But since you have already agreed to marry him, this you should do. Let your Yes be Yes.
My daughter 7 got saved in the summer time and my son 11 got saved just last night. So I have my own little Christian family which makes me feel so content.. I just keep having thoughts about marrying someone who isn't saved..Would it be wrong?
It's too late now to be having these thoughts, you have already told him "YES".
Also cause I've got 2 children from other men should I just be single?
With two kids probably not.
We have been together nearly 4 years and my kids know him well now.
During four years you should know if this man has a good heart or a bad one. How does he get along with the kids? How do the kids get along with him? Would he make a good husband? Would he make a good Dad?
They have relationships when their dads too though.. We don't have sex since I got saved which isn't a problem.
Really? This unsaved man has no problem with not having sex? Why? Is he respecting your wishes? Is he upset because you want to wait till you are married? He has no problems with that? Sounds to me like he is a good man to keep a hold of. So then he is respecting your religious values then, and not holding them against you? That is a good thing, there may be hope for him yet.
If anyone can give me good advice please do. I want to please my Saviour in every way and live as sinless as is humanly possible..
You are not far from the Kingdom of God Sister Stephanie, it pleases my heart to no end to hear this from someone, especially in this generation.
I have dropped hints but he says he doesn't like people throwing religion at him.. This means so much to me and I'm afraid of doing the wrong thing. Stephanie
The Truth will set you free. Tell him all these concerns you are having. If you hide these thoughts from him, then it is not starting off very good now is it. Be honest with him and tell him your concerns.
Don't ever push your religion on him, it will only push him away. It is not your place or job to convert him to the Lord. God will call on Him in God's timing. You however be a Godly wife to him. And never do anything that is contrary to the Word of God even if your husband asks you to. One of two things is going to happen when it comes to Light (Saved) and Dark (unSaved) relationships. 1) your light will dampen because of his darkness or 2) your light will spread into his darkness. That is the battle you will have to deal with. not letting his darkness creep into your light. Just let your light shine into his darkness. Don't try to change him, that is not your job. You continue to please God as your Savior and Lord, and your light will shine brightly. If you have any other questions, this is to all, email me. i answer all emails first before i go to the message boards.