Hi Stephanie, you really sound committed and on fire for the Lord! That is beyond awesome!!
My 2cents... unless you are INCREDIBLY strong in your faith... you know what needs to happen.
Life as it is, is crazy enough and ANY inch the devil can get he's going to take! I assure you of that.
That isn't to say you have to toss him to the side however, ideally (which is always easy to say right) - break off your romantic relationship and tell him you will be happy to stay friends (No... not FWB) - but until he commits fully to Jesus you simply can't be with him.
Tell him it would be too difficult having a force in your lives (kids always come first!) pulling the wrong way. And he may be the best person on earth! But believe me, satan WILL take advantage of this situation... and yes, you may survive.... no one can say for sure... but you are at the fork in the road right now! You must choose...