Most of all its important to that both parents must be involved when a newborn is named, so to me its not about other people but its about you, your partner and your newborn so the name must be meaningful to all parties involved, eg my name is Vuyisa (Voo;Yee;Sa) which means "bring joy" thats South African by the way, so the meaning must involve the parents, child and even the nation, another example is Nelson "Rholihlahla" Mandela well the name Rholihlahla means expose the dirty tree, and he lived up the meaning of his name, he was arrested for 27 year as political prisoner and thats what exposed the apartheid which was here at S.A. After his realese he became the 1st democratic elected president and he did not only expose apartheid he put an end to it, so without his name he would not have lived his life with a mission of exposing apartheid