A My children are mad at me (after last nights argument) and I struggle to go to God. I fear Satan has gotten the best of me. I am so afraid. What do I do????
I can't speak for you, but I'd be gone in a heartbeat. Your wife had an affair years ago and things like that never disappear. Of course your going to be more controlling, because trust was broken when she completely violated her marriage vows. Now she's flirting with other guys again and wonders why your paranoid and controlling? You can't control a cheater, and she's headed that direction again. My recommendation is to dump her, she hasn't changed from 10 years ago and adultery is just around the corner. She's blaming you for her online relationship, but that's just a crock. She's getting involved with other guys and justifies it by using you as an excuse. Don't buy into that crap, she'd be trying to cheat even if you weren't controlling.
As for the kids, don't argue in front of them... Depending on how old they are, I'd sit them down and tell them exactly why you are upset with their mother. They may be mad at you now, but if they understood that their mother is trying to sleep with other men instead of their Daddy, their anger might be re-directed at the real source of the problem. Their mother is acting like a tramp and their mad at you? I wouldn't tell them their mother is a whore or slut, but gently let them know that she loves another man and wants to be with him instead of you.. Communicate with them... I'd be filing for divorce and full custody of the children. Its difficult for me to grasp how you can love a person who's trying to get someone from England to move in with her? What a lovely wife.. I personally couldn't run fast enough to get away from a situation like that... Just my blunt opinion of course.
And Satan hasn't got a hold of you, sounds like his attention is completely focused on your wife