I wonder why you don't want to simply honor your husbands wish? It is not an unreasonable request. You should avoid even the appearance of evil..and for some people (including your husband), driving around with other men doesn't look the best.
What type of message are you sending to your husband by having to ask others what to do in this situation? To me it looks like you are looking for reasons to ignore your husbands feelings.
Show your husband you respect his thoughts and feelings above people you don't know on the internet. You are not giving up something you need, there is no loss in not giving men rides in your car. However ignoring your husbands feelings is going to weaken your relationship with the person you should love and respect more then any other.
We don´t know the whole and real situation. I do know men who ask "that" though the have their friends inside their cars to give them a ride...
There are those so controlling and jealous, but those are the cheaters (they just judged according to what they knew).
Sometimes there´s a natural risks being jealous show but, those wife who work in a pagan enviroment are frequently wooed or enticed and some of them (even men) need the emotions of being liked as handsome or nice looking. It is the mind that seems to lack certain emotions "we" missed the moment we got married and it seems that some sort of low esteems longs to be seduced or liked again.
That area of the self need Christian attention, because it is real and it seems that, when a woman it loosing the possibililty of getting more babies, she seems to be emotionally pending on getting "attentions", as a woman. The endocrine system seems to fool men and women, the same time (or it is something evil running inside human veins) because I have observe it, and not only in the internet.
I think we, as Christians, need to discourage that attitude. There´s not problem in giving a ride, the problem is developing outsourced emotional intimations we don´t have in front of those we said we love. I have seen there is a tendency that women tend to love more people than we men and, at the same time, we men feel jealous (or endangered) the moment we are aware ladies love another man who is not us (as an example, I wish a dad knew
he felt jealous when he saw his wife loved her own son more than him). That is the best example I know and lived.