I have been out of the loop for a bit with work etc. We had a bit of an emergency here with one of my sons. He has been officially diagnosed with high functioning autism. about 135 on a scale of 230. This all came about from him attempting to hurt himself. He has started counseling. And my wife and I are starting counseling separately. When we were in with the counselor talking about our son it came to the surface just how bitter I am at my wife. I believe this current situation is ordained by God. My bitterness that I have been suppressing was literally oozing out of me. When I close my eyes and look at it, it looks like a thick black goo oozing out of me.
This is definitely not from our King and needs addressed.
In regards to all the comments. I appreciate all your input and your hearts. "Shepherd", your comments ring true. The comment someone else made about separation is not an option for me nor do I see it as biblical. It is true that she has abandoned me emotionally, physically, and spiritually but she has not walked away....yet. And she still claims to be a believer. So according to 1 Corinthians 7:15 (But if the husband or wife who isn't a believer insists on leaving, let them go. In such cases the believing husband or wife is no longer bound to the other, for God has called you to live in peace.) I am still "bound" to her. I must and will do everything in my power to please my King before myself.
Our society is so upside down. Hardly anybody keeps their word anymore, is steadfast, loyal, honorable etc. We are taught to live for pleasure and desires, what makes us feel good. As if satisfying our feelings and desires is the end game.
I choose to serve, obey, and love the Lord. Not myself. Without Him we cannot take even one breath.
This is definitely not from our King and needs addressed.
In regards to all the comments. I appreciate all your input and your hearts. "Shepherd", your comments ring true. The comment someone else made about separation is not an option for me nor do I see it as biblical. It is true that she has abandoned me emotionally, physically, and spiritually but she has not walked away....yet. And she still claims to be a believer. So according to 1 Corinthians 7:15 (But if the husband or wife who isn't a believer insists on leaving, let them go. In such cases the believing husband or wife is no longer bound to the other, for God has called you to live in peace.) I am still "bound" to her. I must and will do everything in my power to please my King before myself.
Our society is so upside down. Hardly anybody keeps their word anymore, is steadfast, loyal, honorable etc. We are taught to live for pleasure and desires, what makes us feel good. As if satisfying our feelings and desires is the end game.
I choose to serve, obey, and love the Lord. Not myself. Without Him we cannot take even one breath.
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