I'm trying not to throw away this marriage. Every time I inadvertently say something; "wrong"; she accusses me of attitude. The very latest thing is the dumb joke concept of "bean dipping" as the young adults are calling it. I never knew about it till my Africa time with my armory guys. Its having somebody mess with my nipple; like a light switch; ... YES with my shirt and army top ON! My wife insists this means fooling around on her. She thinks this means she can fool around on me.
At my best conscience; i can say i didn't have my female colleage do anything SO CHEATING TERRIBLE; that my wife has anything to get upset about. I already told her Im not doing that again. And we are now trying to make ammends. GOD IN HEAVEN!
It sounds like you both need to have a good long think about what
you want and where it has all gone wrong. There is an old saying that two
wrongs don't make a right. Often people get so caught up in fighting their
own battle and trying to justify themselves, that they can't even
remember what triggered the animosity in the first place.
You need to have a think about what you want, if you want the relationship to
continue then you will just have to suck it up, be the first to apologise and
let your wife know how much she means to you. Talk to her about marriage
counselling and give her time to think about it and what she wants.
Its time to call a truce and try to sort this out. One of you has to be the
bigger person to resolve this and as you have raised the question, then
guess what, it's gonna have to be you. But do it willingly not grudgingly.
Life is just too short to be arguing about the day of the week.