I apologize up front because this is not short. But I don't think this is time for half answers and I am passionate about not conceeding Christianity to modern values. I will speak bluntly but hopefully with respect.
Brother, you have a lot of work. There is a great deal going on--layers of hurt and guilt. Truthfully none of us know the whole story and honestly all the specific details don't need to be aired out here. We can edit our stories and comments to craft any story we want. I don't want you defending yourself and blaming your wife or vice versa. That just leads to more pain and mistrust. So, I am taking your request for help at face value. Your request does not apply to your wife. You cannot fix your wife only yourself especially now.
You came before us, a group of believers, and asked for help. You are a husband which makes you the leader in your home--fractured though it might be now. As a leader, who is seeking God's will, your path is simple. Submit to God's will. God does not want what He has joined to be separated. Even if divorce is allowed in cases of unfaithfulness, it is still not God's ideal will for your life.
You cannot control your wife's actions. You can only lay your life, as it is, before God and offer it prayerfully as a sacrifice. In dieing to yourself, it does not matter what your wife has done or, not done, at this point. You are the leader. You must lead by example. Swallow your pride. Your family, fractured as it is now, is your responsibility. Just as Christ came from heaven to earth and made Himself human to meet us where humanity was at, you must meet your wife where she is at--not trusting, hurt, looking for love, and safety.
You might have reason not to trust, you might be hurt. You are still the leader and you must lay your struggle down at the feet of the cross and ask Christ your saviour for strength so that you can be Christ to your wife.
While you are praying for strength, you pray for patience as well. Pray for a forgiving heart. Pray for wisdom and insight. In the Old Testament, Hosea, was betrayed by his wife--a prostitute. God did not let Hosea give up on his wife. At times he had buy his wife. I am not accusing your wife of anything one way or another. I am pointing out the great lengths God wants you to go to forgive. Hosea is a living metaphor for Israel's betrayal of God and God's continued desire to restore a broken relationship. Be Christ to your wife.
You cannot force this. That would make you a stalker. You must take what level of access she is willing to let you have and work within it to rebuild trust, little by little. Impatience, immaturity and anger got you where you are now. You are going to have to grow and mature and be patient if you have any chance at all.
I used to feed wild deer from my hand. It took months of patience. I began by putting bread and fruit in a field. Over time, I moved the bread and fruit closer. All the time I sat in the same spot. I did not move or shout. Eventually, the deer were coming to my feet. Then they took the bread from my hand. If at any point I had shouted or hit the deer they would not have come back. At this point your wife is the deer.
This is already going to be difficult because of language and cultural differences as well as the distance between you. God is your only hope.
Our modern culture will tell you that you have the right to be hurt and get a divorce. That right died at the cross. I will tell as plainly as I know how the modern view of what a man is and God's view is not the same. Man's law will allow all sorts of choices. God's does not--not if you are going to remain in His will. Leaders put the vulnerable first. Leaders protect. Leaders nurture. Leaders guide. Leaders listen. Leaders seek assistance when they need it. Leaders have the responsibility that comes with authority. You, brother, are a leader with a lot of work and not much time to focus on what is eternal.
Put your pride, anger, money, future, family, maturity before God. Be truthful with yourself and God. Without that little will happen. Ask God to help you understand yourself. Leaders know themselves and seek improvement. Pray in love for your wife that she might know love, peace and security. Pray that God protects her from rash decisions and that she has a believer who will walk and support her as she needs. If you cannot pray for her needs then ask God to help you see her needs.
And, EVEN THOUGH THERE IS NOT ONE SINGLE GUARANTEE ABOUT WHAT YOUR WIFE WILL DO, become on expert on what it takes to show her love. Study her and learn her likes and dislikes fears, weaknesses, strengths and joys? Does she like espresso in the morning and how does she like it? Is she afraid of betrayal? When she is angry does she just need someone to listen or someone to help calm her down? When she is sad does she want time alone or a hug? Does she like sunset on the beach or a walk in the woods? Would she rather you take out the trash or give her a flower? Does she want a conversation with you or for you to join her in doing something she enjoys doing? Is she a morning person or a night owl? I could go on and you should. Until the day the divorce is final work on your marriage. Even then if she has not cut you off from talking to her don't give up.
The Church has a divorce rate similar to the rest of the secular world and in many cases worse than other large religions. We accept non-Christ like action as okay. Kevin, my challenge to you is to accept your role as a leader and not give-up. Pray, pray and pray. Now, is not the time to blame your wife. When some measure of trust is restored, you can work together on other issues. Get a counselor who is Christian and can work with you on working in faith toward reconciliation.