Was he a man after God's own heart because he committed adultery?
Ps 32, 51

Was it his mercy? Was it his courage?
Was it is his wisdom? Or was it his justice?
How many others stood up to Goliath?
Behold how he spared the life of King Saul
Or consider the way he took back and put away Michal
Consider how his own son rose up against him
And he still sought to spare his life
And take a note of Joab whom took Absalom's breath
And Joab's hoar head would not go peacefully into death
And true he had to pay for what he did to Uriah
But out of Bathsheba came Solomon to reign
And he built the Temple on Mount Moriah
We have far too much digressed
These are good things to think
That you have brought up
Perhaps something to explore
For another topic