(First, let me say that I admire teachers. The burden on them is tremendous and they are highly under-appreciated.)
We should not rely on our school systems to teach our children ethics, morals and matters of faith. That's our job as parents. We need to do what Moses' mother apparently did during the precious time she had with him as a very young child: teach our children who they are in God. Teach them godly ways, not in word only, but by EXAMPLE ON A DAILY BASIS. Pray WITH them and FOR them.
Our children are not our own. They belong to the Lord. They are gifts God entrusts to us and we're accountable to Him for what we do and don't teach them.
If we do these things, our children will recognize truth when they hear it. My son has attended public school his entire life and he knows when someone is spouting nonsense, and he knows where to look for the Truth.
We should not rely on our school systems to teach our children ethics, morals and matters of faith. That's our job as parents. We need to do what Moses' mother apparently did during the precious time she had with him as a very young child: teach our children who they are in God. Teach them godly ways, not in word only, but by EXAMPLE ON A DAILY BASIS. Pray WITH them and FOR them.
Our children are not our own. They belong to the Lord. They are gifts God entrusts to us and we're accountable to Him for what we do and don't teach them.
If we do these things, our children will recognize truth when they hear it. My son has attended public school his entire life and he knows when someone is spouting nonsense, and he knows where to look for the Truth.
Thank you!
As far as teaching about families is concerned if a child has a family made up of same gender parents we cannot tell that kid or the rest of the class that Billy does not have a family. We have to accept the fact that some people live that way and that is their family. I am not saying I think we should teach that but we can't ignore students who are in those situations.
As a Christian teacher, teaching in a secular school, I try to be an example for my students. There are certain things we are not allowed to teach and or say but we can still be the best examples of Christ that we can be. Many teachers are the only moral/ethical example some children have in their regular lives.
Also because many people have different morals or very little morals, we as educators have to set standards based off of what works best in the schooll setting. We have to set general rules for appropriate social behavior. (One program that teaches this that many schools use is called Character Counts.) In actuality many of those social expectations are part of good character across the board for many religions.
As far as things that are mandated or enforced by the govt. they really have no choice. A govt. who is in charge of many people with different cultures cannot choose one culture to enforce all their laws/rules/standards, that would cause mad chaos and rebellion from the people who are not being represented.
Julianna is so right when she says its the parents job to make sure their children know the truth. There are just too many other influences out there.
Completely sheeltering your children from these influences isnt good either. When they grow up and strike out on their own, they wont know how to deal with so many influences. Thats why you are there to guide them thru it in their early years, so they know how to make right decisions as they get older. If theynever see anything other than one way when they are a child and don't know other things exist how could we expect them to choose the right path when they finally realize what the choices are?