I'm not sure or can speak for what the COVID-19 outbreak is like for other countries, but for the US people have taken this a bit too far. Sure there are people that are more susceptible to a more serious strain of this virus so they should stay home and/or talk to their employer of what they can do from home if anything. They shouldn't be touching people and keeping their paws to themselves and if they must touch someone else or use something that is shared use hand sanitizer first. Do not cough or sneeze without doing it in your arm and wash your hands immediately and then use sanitizer and resume what you were doing, people would at least respect you if you were trying to keep your germs to yourself. But the media needs to stop talking about it. The only people that need to be sharing any updates are the CDC leaders, governors and our Presidents. The media has spiraled this way out of control to where people are completely freaked out because as they tell you when you are looking for something hard enough you generally find it. We can be aware without being paranoid about this COVID-19 outbreak here in the US.