PS - MEN in the church- I would particularily like to hear from you. You are the leaders and I'm so confused by this, and if I need correction, please tell me so.
I just want to add more detail.. that I have gotten jealous over these new woman online he's meeting at parties - he adds them to his friends list and gives them roses and party passes and gifts. He says they are all Christians, he tells me who they are, and he wants me to meet them.
But I'm thinking - WHY would we even have to go there? He's saying well these people need Salvation too. Yes, true Amen - but he's meeting Christian women ( a few men too) but mainly it's woman as he says that is who is called to witness/pray/counsel to.
He also at one time in our relationship told me he "loves beautiful woman". That never leaves my head also. I mean he's being honest which is great, but it also made me weary. He says I lack trust in him and that I'm too insecure.
He's even got a couple people in the game Vegas World saying that I'm being too insecure. Feel free to tell if I am.
Please help me. I feel like I'm losing my mind. Jesus Christ is my Lord and Savior. He is King of kings and Lord of lords.
I believe the Bible is the inerrant Word of God, and am of no particular denomination. (Just so you know my background)
I feel even stupid asking this, but I need Godly advice, please. And thank you so much in advance.
Now this is just a "game" I know.
But am I being too judgmental like he says I'm being? Do you think I need "help" too like he says I need help?