The article makes several errors. Firstly placing the intellect in the heart. When we speak of emotions, and yes the conscience we do speak of the heart. However intellect, and understanding are the realm of the mind. I also see why he makes this error.
Moderns connect some of the heart's emotional-intellectual-moral functions with the brain and glands, but its functions are not precisely equivalent for three reasons.
First, moderns do not normally associate the brain/mind with both rational and nonrational activities, yet the ancients did not divorce them (
Psalm 20:4 ).
Who cares what modernists say, they are not in touch with reality. And the reality is that the mind does indeed engage in rational and irrational activities. Irrational ideas come from the mind.
I was irrational for me to over torque a bolt and therefore break it off today, but I did it, and it wasn't my heart.
And Psalm 20:4 does not make his point.
May he grant you your heart’s desire and fulfill all your plans!
Psalm 20:4 ESV
Psalm 20:4 deals with the whole human nature. The hearts desires, and the minds plans.
Second, the heart's reasoning, as well as its feeling, depends on its moral condition. Jesus said that "from within, out of men's hearts, come evil thoughts" (
Mark 7:21 ). Because the human heart is deceitful above all things (
Jer 17:9 ) and folly is found up in the heart of a child (
Prov 22:15 ), the Spirit of God must give humans a new heart (
Jer 31:33 ;
Ezek 36:26 ) through faith that purifies it (
Acts 15:9 ; cf.
Eph 3:17 ).
Here again he compartmentalizes and assigns to the heart that which does not specifically belong there. Reasoning is the domain of the mind which must be regenerated.
I don't have time to go over each of those verses and correct the abuse.
Third, moderns distinguish between the brain's thoughts and a person's actions, but the distinction between thought and action is inappropriate for heart. "The word is very near you, " says Moses to a regenerated Israel, "in your mouth and in your heart" (
Deut 30:14 ).
Again I do not care what modernity says. We all know modernity is out of touch with reality. And the reality is that a person's action are a direct result of their thinking. Thought and action are not the domain of the heart, even if your emotions inform your thinking, it is still thinking that informs action. Example: breaking that bolt was action informed by thought. Not my heart. The only heart in that matter was that I became angry and disappointed.
Deuteronomy 30:14 is again dealing with the person as a whole. The word is on your mouth, so it is in your memory so you can repeat it, and it is in your heart, so it informs your conscience, so you can indeed do it. Because you as a whole person are informed by it.
His assumption fail because he uses modernism as his baseline for the mind. Modernity is a failed philosophy, and not a measure for reality. How can you use a construct that denies concrete reality as a baseline for establishing an informed truth.
Sorry about your article but maybe he just wasn't feeling it the day wrote it.