Sound like right now you are spiraling. I know this very well. I was shocked and embarrassed that my husband had committed such acts. We were teachers at our church and very active. I felt so embarrassed and didn't want people to pads judgment on our marriage. I want to resolve our differences and move on as a family. Just get over this hurdle. Looking back now, I see where I forced my husband to go to counseling with me and restore weekends and etc. When, he really didn't want to change. One minute he said he loved me and wanted to work it out and then the next I was to blame for everything wrong in his life. You are not responsible for his misery and his actions. My husband denied me relations all the time to the point I thought I was going to explode because it had been so long since we had been together. Men at my job were constantly flirting and being extremely nice and I couldn't understand why my husband couldn't desire me when these strangers did. I was so tempted to cheat but what did I do? I told my husband about the men at my work. Asked him to pray with me and then went to my supervisor and told them what was going on. I also told the men flat out I will not cheat on my husband. I was so tempted and yet my response was to run to God, my husband and my supervisor. So, no matter what your husband's reasons are for infidelity, he made that choice.
I have forgiven my husband 5 of the 6 times he has cheated. Totally forgave and loved him. I can say I also forgive him the 6th time but the difference is I am walking away now. He has never attempted to change and work on our marriage. I am not at all saying people cannot change because God is great and there is nothing in this world that God cannot change. Just because my husband didn't does not mean your husband will end up like mine. Proof is in his actions and what he says. More so on his actions. My husband can say whatever he wants but his follow through and actions are what matter most.
People who say you cannot learn to trust again have not experienced God's ability to restore. I have felt that and know it can happen. Unfortunately, God cannot force someone to stop sinning. It is their choice.