In my bible study we were talking about this subject and that old adage came up..."love the sinner, hate the sin". As people this doesn't work. It still causes us to focus too much on that sin that we have to hate. We need to be people focused before we are sin focused. Jesus saw the WOMAN at the well, not the loose samaritan at the well. What was Jesus ministry about? He had compassion! How are we compassionate when we condemn homosexuality. I do believe homosexuality is sin. Don't get me wrong. But I also strive to see people, to see the child of God in people, before I see their sin. Tell me, are you as harsh towards your own sin as you are towards a homosexual. Do you respond the same way to a liar, thief, pedophile, and a tax evader. All are sinners. While the consequence of sin may be different, all sin places the same chasm between us and God. If we are out harrassing homosexuals for their sins, then why aren't we jumping on every other Christian who's sin is just as devastating though perhaps in a different way.