Found my little book "Don't Let Jerks Get the Best of You", author Dr. Paul Meier and forgot to explain the most noteworthy part of it is that he is a Christian Psychologist who uses and illustrates how the WORD of God completely lines up with psychological healing practices. For an example in regard to the heart of man he writes in chapter six, part II called "Meet the Enemy-He Is Definitely Us -STEP ONE: Take a Good Look at the Jerk Within" and quotes Jeremiah 17:9-10, "The heart is deceitful above all things...who can know it. I the LORD search the heart, I test the mind" then he writes "As the LORD searches our hearts, he pushes up only a little bit of our repressed thoughts, feelings, and motives at a time; if He pushed them ALL up, we couldn't stand it. Because the brain is automatically self-protective against pain, it keeps pushing these repressed thoughts feelings and motives back down as the Holy Spirit pushes them back up from below. But rather than facing the truth about ourselves, we prefer to use what psychiatrists call defense mechanisms to find ways to make the jerk within seem like a pretty good guy after all." We are all jerks to some degree he explains and that until we face ourselves very deeply we can't even begin to see others correctly and thus can't help them either. Maybe if you work further on delving into yourself with a book like this then perhaps further insight into your wife might follow. You can only serve yourself and your children better by looking deeper into who you are first and how conscious or unconscious you are with yourself.
I started on this site days ago and was at one of my very lowest points ever. I have been too cut off from other Christians who I do truly need at some deep spiritual level and I think maybe I finally found a way to connect with some of them, a way that's good for me and them. I had never done anything like this prior and I can see that there is some value in this for me and my personal journey with the LORD so I'm very hopeful today when I was anything but days ago.
My marriage has been through a journey I could never have ever imagined going through with anyone ever but I know the LORD is using every bit of it for my spiritual growth so I try not to fight it like I used to when I had zero understanding. I felt so disconnected the other day I called my marriage "many years over" so I still battle those moments of utter disconnection. My marriage is a work in progress like anything really, like yours really. I would not consider any legalities in your position. I would only encourage you to take a deeper look into yourself and see how well you really know the roots of your own motivations first.
All I really want is that beautiful home you spoke of and yet just the other day I had to tell an old friend "You could put me in a palace and crown me queen of the world and I would walk away from all of it if it meant I had to live with a man who would willingly deceive me."
I do not imply you are deceiving your wife but there's something very strong in her, some fear or pain she can't face, SOMETHING that is driving her away that God wants to reveal to you and to her because I don't believe she is yet aware of it. With inner work it might come to you before it ever comes to her because you are ONE in God's eyes and He will reveal it you if you keep praying for it and facing yourself very honestly hard as the process can sometimes be, Jesus wants to set us free by what --BY THE TRUTH. Why would He deny it to you if you steadfastly seek it --He will reveal it to you in time if you persist and keep facing deeper parts of yourself. He's done it for me over and over. I have really struggled with depression. Being there for others, even just a little, is type of Godly medicine for me I can see. So I just wanted to write a bit more that the Lord put upon my heart. I pray it is of some value to you. GOD BLESS YOU REMUS777- I always loved 777 too which is why I sometimes use 21 as a variation. BEST WISHES TO YOU THIS DAY