Everyone steals something before they leave home. I had anger issues, so I made a rule in my house that if one of my sons made a punishable offense, one swat! But if there was a lie involved, two swats!
When I was about five years old, I received a brand new tricycle. We lived close to the center of town. One day I got on my new machine and went for a grand tour that eventually led me into the main street in town. I remember the screeching of tires and a shiny bumper coming to a stop just inches from me. I thought that silver bumper was so cool (I didn't have a clue what had just happened). Turns out the shiny silver bumper belonged to the local police officers. One picked me up and the other picked my machine up and put it somewhere out of my sight.
When they found my address, they brought me up to the house an knocked. Mom opened the door, and the officer said something about taking better care of me. She took me by the hand and pulled me inside with one hand, and the other hand was holding a belt which I'd never seen before.
When mom closed the door, she began whipping me into waves of unconsciousness. Blood was running through my clothes from head (my face and ears) to toes. I have a vague memory of being dragged across the floor and being thrown into a strange room. The pain was incredible. The next day, she came in and saw the mess of blood all over my clothes and began to take my clothes off which were matted to me. All the wounds were reopened. I looked at my body that had stripes all over it. She took me into the bath room and put me in a tub of water, and then left. I wanted to know why my face hurt do bad, so I climb up on something and looked into a mirror. There were stripes on my face and the sides of my head.
Some time later, I was sitting on a couch and a book of animals was given to me. I turned the pages with the curiosity of a child, until I came to a picture of a zebra. I wept uncontrollably. I was asked why; and I could not answer. I didn't know God did this to animals too.
I will say very clearly to you; You have anger issues. Do not feel guilty for what you have done, This is who you are, and someone suffered so that you can see this. Learn from it.