wonder why parents are impatient though, a child is not going to grow up if you keep standing OVER them. I am around children all day at school. They all have their own reasons for doing or not doing what they do. The key is letting them grow and yes sometimes they make mistakes but its all part of learning. It takes time!
why is it that parents, especially mothers, stand over and block out the sun for their offspring that desperately need the light and then they wonder why their offspring arent growing and want to leave them....
I used to feel the same way. Used to wonder what was wrong with parents that they had no patience for their kids. My mom was a in-home daycare provider when I was growing up. We had lots of kids, various ages, around us all the time and I was able to witness how they responded to my mom and how they responded to THEIR parents. Perfect angels for my mom and terrors as soon as mom or dad walked in the door.
I was so patient with those kids. Learned how to change diapers, fix boo-boo's, play with them, listen to their looooooong stories. lol.
But you know what? Having your own kids is 100% different. Teaching kids and having them with you for "x" amount of time during the day is different than having them with you 24/7. The kids at school will respond differently with you than with their parents. And that doesn't mean the parents are doing anything wrong, they just know which buttons to push with mom and dad.
I remember my younger siblings use to ask my step-mom for a cookie.
"Mom, can I have a cookie?"
"No, not right now."
"No, it's almost lunch time."
"Just ooooone??"
Mom would finally give in because she was impatient and tired of the whining. All the while, I stood there slack-jawed because as the eldest child I had been taught that no meant no! Sometimes, as big sis, I could jump in and say, "Mom said no. We have to wait." And they would listen and accept my no, but not mom's. Lol. Just because mom got impatient or lazy about training that she loved them less.
Unless you have children of your own, I don't think you will ever really understand how a mom can be impatient, sometimes controlling, but still FULL of love for her children.
You seem to think parents never let their kids make mistakes and grow. Speaking from my own family, we give our kids plenty of opportunity to grow and learn and make mistakes. Other times, we have to step up and be the responsible ones and "hover" and say no. Which can make the kids view us as the bad guy. I remember thinking my mom was the bad guy many times while I was growing up but now, as a parent myself, I understand more the decisions she made while raising me.
Oh, and yes. It's easy to get impatient when you have a baby crying, two kids asking for help with lessons, you're trying to cook dinner, the dog barfs on the floor, and you're crossing your legs because you desperately have to pee but the 8-year-old wants to tell you a long, drawn out story. Betcha don't have that kinda stress at school.