Well I have never been adopted, but my mom was. She says it like this... her mom was poor and had to put her kids in a foster home temporarily until she was able to get things together. The two homes were in the same neighborhood so the kids could be together. The people who adopted my mom found the biological father, who was a sick man, and offered him money to sign a release for her. He did and when her biological mother went to get the children she was unable to take her back in. So she was raised next to her sister she did not know was her sister until after the kids at school let her know. This was a very painful experience for her and still is. She is a strong advocate for mothers and for them to do what it takes to keep their children. She fought hard under the most difficult circumstances to take care of her own kids. Her adoptive parent's logic was..they had a lot of money and could give her a better future. They felt that her biological family was low life and they would not want her to have to live in those conditions. All she had was resentment for them and spent her teen years looking for ways to get out of their home.
My cousins wife...also adopted, but into a loving home with great people. She still is trying to deal with this part of her that seems a bit confused. It is a good thing she has a good husband and family supporting her to go through it.
Some people are very sensitive and when they are adopted they feel abandoned, they sympathize with a mother who can not take care of them, they don't understand the thinking because they are feeling consequences.
I can say that I was pro choice before I got to witness the effects of adoptions and see how ego centered self righteous people try to go and get the hero award for saving kids....before I saw child trafficking...and before studying the law.
Situations to consider:
Poor family- adopt a family
mental illness- look at statistics of mental illness in society, as long as the parent is complying with courts, going through therapy, and medication...they should be able to parent.
dying parent - no other choice,seek family guardianship first, allow parent and child to bond until the death.
rape- therapy to mother prior to the decision
abusive home- I would not support intentionally endangering a child...provide alternative of support while parents seek therapy. Abuse is a cycle that can be stopped if people get help.
I know it is ideal to give a kid the perfect home, but these perfect homes are full of sick people too. Every family has problems. Some people think that they must give up their kids because they have never known that life could be different. They may be convinced that they have no choice or no way of making a future. A person living with a healthy family on the central coast California with a BMW and a beach house, live on a higher level of the pyramid- hierarchy of needs (higher level of thinking/reasoning). Their ability to think positively is much better than - a person living in a village poverty stricken with no knowledge of how to self sustain, no education, and very little working skills. They are under trauma and survival...which is actually beginning to happen in a challenged economy here in America. This type of person is struggling to keep the foundation of that pyramid together, before moving to the next level. Would you like to be the guy to kick the sand in their face and take their kid too?
It would seem much more appropriate to get the kids out of there and put them in the beach house to some. But what then happens to the love and concern they have for their families. What happens to the family? All of that needs to be in mind when a person adopts a child. If people have money like that they could do much more to help a family. If the child is an orphan without siblings, then it would benefit them. If siblings could be kept together it is better.
Check out this amazing statistic! 97.7% of birthmothers are coerced into surrendering their babies against their will! Sick!
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]
If you are like most people, you may believe that adoption begins with a mother wanting and choosing to GIVE AWAY her baby. This is what the adoption industry wants you to believe. And in most cases, NOTHING could be further from the truth. A Trackers International survey of 1000 natural mothers found that 97.7% were coerced into surrendering against their will.
We are women who WANTED to keep our babies. But because of factors such as being single, ill, young, and/or just vulnerable to family and agency pressures, our babies were taken from us by force, coecion, and lies.
Some of us were still drugged from childbirth when social workers or lawyers demanded our signatures. Others of us never signed - our own parents signed away our children. Others were told that we would not be allowed to see our babies until we signed the papers. Others were told we would be responsible for hospital bills of thousands of dollars unless we signed. Some of our babies were taken from us at birth, given to adopters, and then we were told to sign as it would not matter if we signed or not - it was a done-deal. [/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]"An agency has a responsibility of pointing out to the unmarried mother the extreme difficulty, if not the impossibility, if she remains unmarried, of raising her child successfully in our culture without damage to the child and to herself .... The concept that the unmarried mother and her child constitute a family is to me unsupportable. There is no family in any real sense of the word."- Joseph H. Reid, "Principles, Values, and Assumptions Underlying Adoption Practice", 1956 NAT'L CON. SOC. WORK. [/FONT]
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All of us were victims of fraud in that we were NEVER told the truth about the consequences of adoption to us or our babies - in fact, we were deliberately lied to.[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]
Our children were taken from us so the adoption industry make money, playing the role of savior to infertile couples by selling the "ultimate gift" to them at our expense, and then come out smelling like a rose for solving society's supposed welfare and moral problems. It all really came down to money ... keeping us off the welfare rolls and making money for the brokers.[/FONT]