My husband and I attend a home church and enjoy it very much. No big programs or agendas; we just praise and worship Jesus, have bible study, and tithe to missions. We have no paid staff so 98 % of the tithes goes to mission work...local, national, and overseas.
We eat lunch together every's just wonderful
I do think we need to interact with a Christian body in some way. Though I love CC, I do recommend finding a 'live' Christian body to fellowship with. None of us are perfect and it is nice to accept each other as we are, warts and all.
We eat lunch together every's just wonderful
I do think we need to interact with a Christian body in some way. Though I love CC, I do recommend finding a 'live' Christian body to fellowship with. None of us are perfect and it is nice to accept each other as we are, warts and all.