The reason I ask is, a year ago, my husband left me, after 14 years of marriage. He was not a good man. He just wanted out of our financial trouble. His feelings about me were irrelevant.
He abducted our children and told the court that I was an unfit mother, on drugs and psychotic. None of that was true. And After four weeks I managed to get them back and now have primary custody.
But since then I have struggled very hard to make ends meet. Despite my being qualified for a better job, I cannot seem to find one. Nearly every month this year, I have paid my rent late. Utilities have been paid by relatives. And I'm grateful for help. But I'm tired of living in this zone where I never know if I will have enough food for my children or if I will lose my house.
My car is now in need of repair. It seems like it's one thing after another. I pray for relief and instead, more troubles come.
I am losing the ability to trust God, because He does not seem trustworthy to me. He tells us to cry out to Him, our fears and hopes. But to what end? If He is going to do what He wants anyway, why bother telling him at all? He can see how I have been living. He needs me to tell Him that I want it to improve?
I'm just so tired of the constant trauma. I want to know it is almost over. But I am now afraid to hope. I have done so much hoping this last year that I can't bear any more disappointment.