My father left my mom after several abusive years and 10 children.
This gentle woman now had to figure out how to raise so many children on her own with very little and little hope of ever having what was needed.
But, she held onto Jesus in faith, no matter the trial, loss, difficulies, sorrows and needs.
I watched her as she first struggled, for my family as well had many emotional issues due to our fathers abuse.
But I watched her as she faced all that was set before her with a trust and faith that overcame every difficulty.
Again and again , challenges were set before her, but she held fast in faith, and Jesus rewarded her.
No, her life was not filled with all the things she wanted, nor did it get easyer.
But I saw her faith, and Jesus gifts set upon her.
She walked and lived trusting in Jesus for all needed, and when not given, the streangth to continue, remaining faithful no matter the outcome.
She raised not only her own children, but many others, and always gave to another in need, how she found the things to give Ill never know,

yet she refused no one oin need.

I watched as Jesus took this wonam, and brought in her a faith that was overflowing, a heart so filled with love and the joy of Jesus that it touched every person that knew her.
She was blessed in gifts that could not be bought, and these gifts overflowed to others.
Her smile was always ready and given, her heart that one knew was living in Jesus, and arms that were ready always to comfort, help and give.
Her life was never easy by the world's standards, but her walk and life was filled with gifts that one can only know by trusting all to God.
Jesus never failed to provide for her or our needs, but the mesure of needs is not always what one wants, but in the blessings of Gods love and presance in Jesus, she was rich beyond all mesure, and we were blessed as well by her faith.
I cannot tell you things will be the way you want them to be, but I will witness to you in Jesus that when you walk in faith in Jesus , trusting all with praise and thanksgivng, you will know the joy, delight, blessings and love of Jesus overflowing .
If I learned anything from my moms witness, it is that this kind of faith is a gift and blessing that comes with challanges, but worth it beyond mesure!
Dont let the the needs of the world steal from you that which is a great gift and treasure in Jesus.
Hold on to Jesus in faith, trusting all to His care.
In this you will see great blessings and the perfect love of Jesus.
You and your children are in my daily prayers in Jesus for all that is needed and His love.
Hugs and God bless