I will make this short and sweet the TRUTH is what God's word has to say . Right is right and wrong is wrong It is black or white no gray . No hot or cold , no sitting on the fince . If you want the TRUTH go to God's word and do your home work . It may take some time to find your answers but they are there .
yeah I don't want to hurt your feelings
pay a visit to the BDF and then tell me about what God's word has to say
but first you will have to sift through thousands of posts by hundreds (I dunno...maybe thousands?) of people who all have different ideas of what truths the Bible contains
and sadly, that is the truth
no need to be snippy and sarcastic
you will learn what you can receive in what He has revealed but you will not know all that someone else knows, while supposedly learning from the same source
so is God somehow limited in this apparent inability of believers to be reconciled in truth?
well no
we can only be reconciled in Him. that's what He does
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