As a believer of GOD, I know GOD is speaking to you on this matter. I believe you have prayed for what you want and not what you need. As I read your post what comes to me is several things such as uncertainty, mind games, fear and jealousy. These are all signs of abuse and when not addressed will only get worse. Your husband is the head of your household now understand GOD is Head over all. If your husband is not leading as a man of GOD then that raises red flags. Now what I'm about to say please know it is out of love and not condemnation. When you first met and started a relationship with your now husband did you not see the signs of him being unstable. Did you not see that your son and him were not coming together to even consider having a union with this man. Did you marry him out of love or for selfish reasons such as finance or to prove you could remarry and or find love.
What I would suggest not as a counselor but as a woman and mother is that you build a strong bond with your son. Give him the security he needs because if you don't your son is bound to become like your now husband angry, abusive and unstable. You must stop allowing yourself to be tossed to and fro one minute everything is great and the next your unsure of what to do. My question and concern is honestly not your husband but you. Why do you allow yourself to be with a man who is not a father figure to your son, not a husband of integrity. This is again not a blame towards you but a call for you to look towards GOD and your inner self, to examine your past in order to move to a better much safer future for both you and your son. Your husband has to make a grown man decision on following GOD and getting healed, delivered and set free. Please stop seeking only to see his wrong but yours as well. Go before GOD Repent and seek HIS FACE. Do exactly what GOD has for you to do make sure it is GOD and only GOD you respond to. That is your safe place and answer.