*Ahem, Traysir* 
•nothing changed in 34 years,
•never been treated equally until about 22,
•been to college 4x with ruined journeys.
•couldn't get dr referred for 5years.
•had to give up all exercises/arthritis.
•disconnected rib, ankle ligaments torn, work poisoning, whiplash, broken eye socket, damaged ear from steel toe caps,
•broken toe not healed fully, damaged wrist same, shocks in chest muscles if exercising, grinded shoulder socket, Gilbert's liver syndrome so can't drink anymore, no friends as church people are old/families or children/well off etc, bleed from collapsed or dead capillaries sometimes.
•still living at home, still smoking, still dealing with all issues after "healing" though they haven't, in another hazardous job with no windows, dust, noise, no-security for mortgage, car just blew headgasket last month so new car with unknown warning light issue. I think that's it for now, though being Welsh with an English accent and that rubbish was before 22years etc. Probably more i can't remember until it bothers me again. Generally crud n no future it seems.
•never been treated equally until about 22,
•been to college 4x with ruined journeys.
•couldn't get dr referred for 5years.
•had to give up all exercises/arthritis.
•disconnected rib, ankle ligaments torn, work poisoning, whiplash, broken eye socket, damaged ear from steel toe caps,
•broken toe not healed fully, damaged wrist same, shocks in chest muscles if exercising, grinded shoulder socket, Gilbert's liver syndrome so can't drink anymore, no friends as church people are old/families or children/well off etc, bleed from collapsed or dead capillaries sometimes.
•still living at home, still smoking, still dealing with all issues after "healing" though they haven't, in another hazardous job with no windows, dust, noise, no-security for mortgage, car just blew headgasket last month so new car with unknown warning light issue. I think that's it for now, though being Welsh with an English accent and that rubbish was before 22years etc. Probably more i can't remember until it bothers me again. Generally crud n no future it seems.
I hope you don't feel threatened or attacked by my earlier request (below). That request allows you to list all your unfortunate circumstances and conditions. What are they? Feel free to list them. That's important, especially since you are always given a raw deal.
Allow me and others to be able to empathize with you. Please!
I hope you don't feel threatened or attacked by my earlier request (below). That request allows you to list all your unfortunate circumstances and conditions. What are they? Feel free to list them. That's important, especially since you are always given a raw deal.
Allow me and others to be able to empathize with you. Please!