This morning I woke to kids screaming and yelling at each other and I admit I yelled back.
My son is eleven and just started middle school, sixth grade.
My daughter is eight and in 3rd grade.
Apparently my son was shooting his dart gun in the hallway and his sister kept screaming for him not to shoot her or something. I thought I heard her screaming about him taking her dress pants.
I don't know. He has a habit of picking and teasing his sister and she has a habit of overreacting to his actions (even when he isn't doing anything she will accuse him of messing with her. I know this because he would be with me in the living room when she starts screaming at him.)
Yeah I know, I should talk to them about screaming. How do you do that without being a hypocrite?
Well they know mom isn't perfect. I hope they know how much both their parents love them. Typically they do good. They do their homework or play games together for hours on Wed when my husband and I participate in our Christcare group.
I don't know it just weighs in my heart. If you would join me in prayer for all children and the schools this morning.
I don't think your children's misbehavior is an attack from Satan. But he does attack when Christians are going the right way. If you knock over a glass of water on the table, and you have a towel in your hand, what are you going to go after first- the puddle in the middle of the table, or the water running toward the edge? I'd go after what's about to go over the edge- where I don't want it to go the most, cause I know the puddle on the table isn't going anywhere and I can get it later. Satan goes after people going toward God- where he don't want them to go the most.
But about your children. Dishes don't wash themselves, in other words parenting is a job not just a DNA.
Train your child in the way they should go. If I was training my daughter for the Olympics, are a few words going to be enough? No, I need to talk her through every physical step, and practice, practice, practice.
So what is the way they should go in this situation? If they were an adult and parented themselves in their own mind, they'd say screaming is for emergencies, and not to shoot people or antagonize them. You have to do this for them until they can do it for themselves. Children need constant correction. "Faithful" (continual) instruction is on the tongue of a mother.
If I cut the top of weeds, they will grow back. What I need to do is dig out the root. Go straight to the source- what was the thinking that lead to the action? And change that thinking with the fitting scripture. Make sure you and your child have eye-contact when you talk to them, and when you talk, talk straight to their conscience.
Practice correct behavior. Discuss and compare what was wrong to do and what would be right to do. Then practice! Have your child narrate what happened, but this time with the proper response. "I am shooting darts at my sister- which is fun. But I quickly see that it's not fun for her. She asked me to stop, so I stopped. I know that if she was doing something I didn't like, that I would want her to stop. I care about my sister. Maybe I can find some kids who want to play this way. I know I should ask them first."
Its fine to make them then repeat what you say- they don't know what to say yet cause they havent been trained. If they have a problem with what is said- still and address that before you move on. "I don't want to say I care about my sister." "Friends may come and go, but your sister is always going to be there for you. This family is a team- she is on your team. Can you imagine hockey players going against their own teammates? No, they support each other and work together. To be against your own team is to be against yourself." "Well I guess I never looked at it that way."
Find out what they are thinking, and counsel their thinking. Parent them. When my daughter tried soccor, she'd look and think, "Oh there goes the ball, right past my feet." And she'd just stand there, at times hopping out of the way to avoid the ball. Ok so soccor wasn't for her. But you are doing the same thing when you see your child misbehave and don't correct them- the very purpose of being a parent.
You can pm me anytime if parenting gets frustrating.