If/when I marry I will leave it up to my wife, it's her name and therefore her choice, I honestly don't have a clear feeling on this issue.
I do think on one hand if my wife kept her name that would be no problem for me, her name may be important to her and part of how she identifies with her family history, If her name has been handed down she may not want to lose the connection it gives her to past family members dear to her heart, I would not want to take that away from her if she felt that way.
But also I would consider it a great honour if my wife chose to form that connection with myself and my family and therefore make herself a part of it that way, along with all the others that would come with entering the marriage.
I haven't thought too long and hard about it really because it isn't a decision I would ever likely have to make, I woud just try to be open to accepting her choice whatever it is, when marrying someone what name she has doesn't seem like a big deal to me, we would be connected so closely in so many other ways I don't think it would really bother me what name she had.
If she asked me to take hers I would consider it in the same ways I would expect her too and I can't think what I might decide, but no matter what my decision I would always consider it a honour to be asked even if I wasn't prepared to do it.