Well Hornetguy and Katy-follower, I think families should police their own ranks for a person that becomes mentally unstable. That would still leave a person without family for whatever reason to be dealt with. If our society were more community based, we could have an oversight committee for that. With that lacking, it is up to the mental health practitioners to follow through when someone becomes unstable. They should work with the local law enforcement agencies. We have some of that now, but it needs more participation from mental health doctors. My thoughts, anyway.
While I agree with you in principle, our own nation's laws will not allow that. Health care providers, and mental health care providers can NOT offer that information to law enforcement, without the express permission of the patient, if I understand the HIPPA laws correctly.
I'm still working on possible solutions, even
partial solutions..
Perhaps part of the background check should require the applicant to release the NICS service from being bound by HIPPA laws..... perhaps only for mental health issues.
A national database could be created with a very strictly controlled list of items that MUST be reported. A list that cannot be changed on the whim of a bureaucrat. Only certain mental conditions would be reported, and people being prescribed certain mind altering medications.
So, if you had some type of private health issue, it would still be protected under HIPPA, but if you had been diagnosed as schizophrenic, or severely bi-polar, or on mind altering drugs, those would HAVE to be reported to the database.
There would also have to be some type of review board for anyone that wants to dispute being refused permission to purchase.
Perhaps this system should only be used for high-capacity firearms, rifles and shotguns with removable magazines. If a citizen wanted to buy a handgun or "normal" hunting type shotgun, or rimfire rifle, this extended background check would not be required.
I don't have all the answers, but there has to be some sort of middle ground, where we can all meet, and agree, to keep the mentally unstable from having EASY access to those types of firearms....
Just sort of thinking out loud here....