I am also very concerned about our Conservative Party Leadership convention. Kevin O'Leary jumped on board very late (you may know him as "Mr. Wonderful" on Sharks' Tank.) He wouldn't go to the French debate, because he doesn't speak French, despite growing up in Quebec. He made a BIG splash, collected some money for his campaign.
Suddenly, he decided it was too much, and resigned.He threw his voting block to Maxine Bernier who is an ultra libertarian, who is completely against conservative social values. Then O'Leary said his second choice was for a Hindu (?) guy, who has been in Parliament as an MP for many years. Except, he is apparently racist, according to people that have worked with him. His only goal is to get more immigrants into the country. Shades of Trudeau!
So now, my candidate, Andrew Scheer, who is a strong Christian, has his kids in Christian schools, and has excellent conservative programs on how to get us out of debt, again, has now been bumped down a huge amount in percentage support. This Quebecer, Maxine Bernier, can barely speech English. He has no vocabulary and his sentence structure is a mystery. (I speak French and I could not understand his English. French and English aren't that far apart, grammatically, so his poor ability to speak English must come out of just not caring about English!) Plus, not speaking French, or not speaking it well enough is a big issue for the candidates, but for some reason, speaking our language, English, which is the major language not just in Canada, but in the USA and in so many countries around the world, is not an issue! People are so DUMB!
So we have this potential candidate, who may get the majority of votes in Quebec, and a few from Ontario, and become the next head of the Conservative party. And he will LOSE when the 2019 election comes! People aren't going to vote Libertarian in Canada. People want a leader who can speak both official languages. He can't hold a candle to Justin and his boyish looks and hair, which is why a lot of young women voted for him in the last election. Seriously, when did looks qualify you to be prime minister! So shallow!
I'm so disappointed that the right man to beat Trudeau, Andrew Scheer is not going to be elected, and we will have to put up with another 4 years of Justin bringing in 100's of thousands of Muslim refugees, running our country into a debt which will bankrupt us, destroying the social, moral and economic backbone of Canada. Trudeau is already ripping apart this country, trying to make it favourable to the future Caliphate!
Andrew Scheer is pro-life and an evangelical Christian. He is young, 35, but an extremely experienced politician, including being the speaker of the house, which everyone from all parties agreed he did a fabulous job. You need a complete and total understanding of parliamentary procedure and rules to be speaker. Then, CBC interviews Scheer, and he got tongue tied with the acerbic witch who was interviewing him, who kept trying to pin him down on abortion and gay marriage. He stated clearly he was pro-life, but it was the law of the land. But, if an MP wanted to present a bill to begin changing some laws, he would most certainly allow them to do it, including abortion and gay marriage, because he believes in freedom of speech. But he said he would not bring forward legislation, as he was required to follow party rules. He left the door wide open for the debate to be reopened, but hard line pro-lifers are saying he didn't do enough. He got bumped off the National Pro-Life choices to vote for, when he was formerly #1 before that interview.
There are 2 other pro-life candidates, and it is really refreshing they spoke for the right to life, and were pro-life. But neither has a chance of getting elected. If Scheer is not elected, I believe it will be the beginning of the end of Canada, both as a godly nation, and maybe as a nation period, if Trudeau continues his globalization agenda, and continues to rack up huge debts, with nothing to show for it. And did you know when Trump decided to stop funding International Planned Parenthood and their promotions abortions, Trudeau borrowed $600,000 to make up the short fall because:
"Not providing abortion services for women is violence against women!" My country on a quick trip into a hell on earth! If we are not already there!