Janeaux, thank you for sharing this website, it seems balanced in both directions, although Trump caught more often the Biden in extreme hyperbole and outright lies.
This page makes a good comparison.
This page makes a good comparison.
At first, when I listened to the tape, I thought ... wow, he must have Dementia. But then I decided to listen to what he said 2 years ago. I did not hear much differentce (these were independent, unedited tapes).
The game changer for me regarding whether or not he is mentally impaired were two things:
1) Reading and learning that he had been a severe stutterer all his life and what people have to do to deal with it.
2) Watching & listening very closely how he did when he debated Trump ... all three times. He did not sound like there was anything wrong.
and each debate lasted 1 1/2 hours. That would DEFINITELY SHOW if there were an issue.
Of course, his age IS an issue, but then Trump is no baby eiher. They really ought to have a minimum age (maturity) and a maxImum age (health issues).
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