Hey hornetguy.I get what you're saying.I can agree with you on a lot of the points that you've made.I'm not trying to argue about any of it.Okay?? I'm a peaceful person these days but when my feathers are ruffled I will speak my mind.I guess I was mostly shocked when I read how some people responded to this thread's subject.That's all.
I don't see any need in arguing, either... I think I can understand where you are coming from, as well, and I imagine it is difficult to forget being the victim of discrimination... especially for something you have no control over.
I know that I look at life from a small angle, just the people I come in contact with, at work and at church.. but I can honestly tell you that the people I know do not have any racial prejudice at all. We all want to just live and love and be friends, no matter what color someone's skin is.
I simply take offense at ANY group that tries to tell me that I OWE them something, because of stuff that happened years and years ago. I don't like Hispanics saying I owe them free stuff because we "stole" Texas from them, or blacks saying I owe them because of slavery. I despise slavery, but why do I owe a whole group of people something because something white people did over 150 years ago?
Our nation is a place where anyone can be nearly anything they want to be.... if they are willing to work for it, and sacrifice for it. I've had people criticize me because I make more money than they do...saying it isn't "fair".... when I ask them how much education they have, it's never more than a GED or HS diploma. I tell them they have to get at least an AS degree, 2 years, to be a technician like me.... they always have an excuse for why they can't do that. I went to school for 5 years to get my ASEE degree, taking one or two classes every semester, summer included. I did this while working about 60 hours a week, and having a family. No, it's not easy, but it can be done, if the desire is there.
So while I can see how you feel the way you do, you should be able to see why I get a little frustrated with those that want something for nothing.
Rodney King said it pretty well.... "can't we all just get along?"