As long as the guilty can occupy airtime by accusing those aligned with Trump in any way they figure the fingers of true guilt won't have time to point at them.
And they're doing this with the same premeditation and planning as most politicians do when they undertake their campaign pursuit for the next election years into the future. Some in the last election campaigned for two years before the polls in 2016 opened.
This is what is happening in trying to smear Trump now and for years to come. They think if they throw enough mud people won't re-elect him in 2020. This is all Hillary. And her camp of those who paid her big money or big perks, like staying out of prison where she long belongs. Because they thought if they rolled over they'd get paid back when she made it into the Oval office.
Never once did they think Trump would actually beat her. Neither did she. She had a fireworks display you would not believe waiting to set off over Manhattan once her win was announced. Trump should have thrown money to the company that set them up and had them set off to celebrate his win. That would have really sent her over the edge. As it was, she lept that way all on her own. To the point even Bill ran from their suite.
Oh, would I love to see the video of that night.
"WHY I LOST" Because you're evil Hillary! And the American people told ya so.

I'm a proud deplorable too. And I will be again in 2020 when she runs again. Prayerfully, the American voter will make Hillary a three time loser. *in her run for the White house*
She's getting her monies now and making more promises as payback for bending over backwards to reward her rather than jail her. One day girls gonna run out of collateral. Then what?
The judgment Hillary!
Be afraid, be very afraid.
The judgment.