Someone on theforums (can't find theperson) wanted to know about artificial b control, why the RCC says its wrong...
This is from a thread I just posted
The Wanderer (a Traditional
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Catholic magazine)
This may have been written by a priest (?) maybe Fr Altman (not sure) whose words are in quotes. (My comments are in brackets).
“No one is entitled to an ‘opinion’ that endangers eternal souls. No one.
… Jesus warned ‘
Do not be afraid of those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul’; rather be afraid of the one who can destroy both.. in Gehenna.’ In other words,
be very much afraid of someone’s opinions that differ from Jesus who is the Way the Truth and the Life.”
The author talks of synodalism by which the unity of truth is handed off to bishops in various geographical areas, creating relativism based on personal opinion. He gives the
Winnipeg Statement as an example: 90 of 96 Canadian bishops published this, saying a Catholic, based on his/her opinion could choose to act outside of the unchanged/unchangeable directive against artificial birth control. This Statement said that if people have sincerely tried but failed to adhere to this directive from the Church “they may be safely assured that" the person “does so in good conscience.” The Wanderer author says rightly that this Statement bears false witness, that the authors of it are false shepherds. He says that the very word Artificial (as opposed to created-by-God) tells us what we need to know.
“It is not from God” but from sinful man. Nobody… has the right to personal interpretation of a thing as [being] sin or not sin. The definition of sin is given to us by God… alone."
Another example: John Kerry when he was running for president 2004. The question came up whether priests could give Communion to a “notorious proponent of the slaughter of innocents in the womb [Kerry]…" As then-head of The Congregation for the Doctrine of Faith Cardinal Ratzinger (future pope Benedict XVI) wrote… ‘[N]o one shall give Holy Communion to politicians holding views like Kerry’s.'”
Fake-priest McCarrick misrepresented the truth of the letter from Ratzinger saying that the decision is up to each individual bishop [there are 195 dioceses in the US]. The author calls them false witnesses/liars. “What is true in any of the 195 dioceses is true in all…” [Gee, do ha think?]
The author mentions the situation in South Carolina where a priest denied Biden Communion and his bishop stood behind him, while [fake Catholic] Wilton Gregory in DC chose to give Biden Communion.
“Both sides cannot be right,” the author reminds us. “No bishop… may change the unchanged/unchangeable Truth…”